Sunday, March 23, 2014

Plants Versus Zombies: Smoking Pistils

Shroom Shooter
Plants Versus Zombies: Garden Warfare came out a few weeks ago and so I've been dutifully ensconced in that colorful world, vanquishing zombies and plants alike.

Recently I found out that, oh boy, there's a contest to design your own Peashooter variant! So I busted out the old sketchpad and knocked out these two ugly mugs.

They're cultivars of the Peashooter line, carrying the same basic abilities, such as Hyper Dash, Chili Bean Bomb, and Pea Gatling, but their primary weapons and statistics are somewhat different.

The first guy, on top, is Shroomshooter, with his unique tri-barrel Spore Blaster. His nutritious fungus shots cause allies to heal themselves while doing damage to enemy zombies.

The Shroomshooter didn't ask for much. A little darkness, a little water. You know, for his photography. Maybe don't mention pictures to him, though. Not when there's zombies nearby.

The second is the Pistil.  A budding bean plant, he fires Pollen Bombs, which trigger zombie allergies! Zombies suffering from allergy attacks take more damage from all incoming sources!

The Pistil likes most of the other plants. The Peashooter, the Torchwood, even the grumpy Squash. He just tries not to spend too much time with the Cattail, because she makes him sneeze. And his pollen makes her sneeze. Ironic, it's true.

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